A Newbie Reviews: Dramas of 2010

As the year 2010 comes to a close, I feel a little shell-shocked at how quickly time has passed by. Pretty soon, I’ll reach one year since I first become a fansubber/translator and since I started this very blog. By extension, this is the first year-end review I’m writing so please bear with me as I try to be as objective and impartial as possible. Not only will I be reviewing dramas that aired this year that I watched, but a few that I watched for the first time this year although they aired in previous years. Brace yourselves, this is going to be a long one.

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The Current Dramas I’m Watching

This entry will be a hybrid between the next installment of my halfway mark series and just some thoughts I have on the dramas I’m watching as of today. I’ll be discussing Gloria, Mary Stayed Out All Night, Secret Garden, Sungkyunkwan Scandal, and Flames of Ambition after the jump.

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My Top Ten Favorite Dramas Continued

Here’s the second and final installment of my Top Ten Favorite Dramas list. Again, they’re in no particular order. As you can probably see from the first installment, I tend to ramble on without realizing how much I’m writing when I’m talking about these dramas that I love so much, so please, bear with me. 🙂

6. Dal Ja’s Spring

Many of the dramas I watched were at the suggestions and recommendations of my ì„ ë°° bloggers, especially the wonderfully expressive and insightful Javabeans. Dal Ja’s Spring was one of the ones that I picked up because of her good rating of the drama, and I never regretted watching it. Chae Rim‘s hair and makeup are a bit jarring at first but they eventually do a lot to add to her character’s loveableness. Lee Min Ki was flawlessly cast as Kang Tae Bong aka Spare Tire, the man of practically every girl’s dreams. The dynamic at Dal Ja’s workplace is cohesive and realistic, and the crazy twists and turns that occur add to the show’s appeal. Much of the script was witty and well-written, and I really enjoyed the character development all throughout the drama’s 22 episodes. Compared to many of Chae Rim‘s career choices, Dal Ja’s Spring was definitely a win.

7. You’re Beautiful

When I heard about this drama before it came out, I was determined not to come near it with a ten-foot pole. I’m not a big fan of the “idol groups” that are gaining momentous popularity in the motherland today, so the concept of a drama about an idol group was not very appealing to me. Not to mention I wasn’t familiar with or a fan of any of the actors/actresses involved. But at the glowing recommendation of Javabeans who I’ve trusted thus far and will trust way, way into the future, I decided to give the first episode a shot. Oh boy, if I’d gone along with my initial reaction to You’re Beautiful and not seen it, I would’ve sorely regretted it. The Hong sisters never fail to thoroughly amuse me, and they took a good turn with You’re Beautiful. The gripes that I’ve had about their previous dramas were not as bad in this drama, and I discovered the charm of Park Shin Hye for the first time. She was great as a nun-in-training turned idol-pop-star, but Jang Geun Seok‘s performance was what truly made the drama for me. I’m not going to lie, I was a Kang Shin Woo shipper all the way to the end, but that’s just because I’m a sucker for nice guys, Jang Geun Seok dove into this role with a fervor and enthusiasm I’ve never seen him display in his other dramas/movies, and he had great chemistry with Park Shin Hye. I saw Lee Hong Ki for the first time on an early episode of Family Outing and I didn’t glean much of an impression of him from it, only that he looked very feminine and he didn’t speak much. He took an awesome turn in You’re Beautiful though, and gave some of the best scenes, comedic and serious, of the entire drama. The cast was solid and played off each other really well which was evident in the acting. One thing I wasn’t too happy with was the editing which was meager at best, but it didn’t bother me too much because everything else was so great.

8. Legend of Hyang Dan

I debated with myself about whether or not I should include Legend of Hyang Dan on my favorites list because it’s definitely not a great drama. It’s entertaining at best, with winning lead actors and a good camaraderie with the cast, and humorous situations. But I decided to keep it in because of entirely shallow reasons, the main one being that I’ve been obsessed with Choi Si Won ever since I saw him on oldie but goodie variety shows such as Real Romance Love Letter and the not as well-known Jihwaza. He was incredibly charismatic in his aloofness, but he expressed sudden bursts of comedic timing once in a while that had me intrigued. They made me want to see him in more, my only other experience watching him having been the failure known as Spring Waltz. When I saw that Choi Si Won was leading Legend of Hyang Dan, despite its short length, I downloaded the two episodes eagerly, wanting to see him displaying his acting chops. He had great chemistry with the lead actress Seo Ji Hye which could be due to their somewhat closeness in age (He’s 22 and she’s 25), and the dialogue was enjoyable. A part of me wishes it was a little longer, but they made good use of the short time and kept the plot flowing well. This was the first thing I saw Seo Ji Hye in and I really loved her portrayal of Hyang Dan, so I’m on the lookout for any remaining download links of her 2008 drama I Love You with Ahn Jae Wook. 🙂

9. Thank You

Gong Hyo Jin is one of my favorite Korean actresses for good reason. She was wonderful in Thank You, playing Lee Young Shin, the single mother of a child suffering from AIDS. She gave Young Shin incredible depth and the sadness she felt at being abandoned by her parents and her first love and now the fact that her beloved daughter is suffering from an incurable disease is prevalent in everything Young Shin does. However, Young Shin doesn’t let her problems get her down. She instead throws herself into being a good mother and a good caretaker for her grandfather played by Shin Goo who suffers from dementia after having lost his son, Young Shin’s father, tragically in an accident.  Seo Shin Ae shines as Lee Bom, a child who discovers that she’s sick with a fatal disease, and displays nuances in her acting of Lee Bom that actors and actresses old enough to be her mother or father can’t even dream of displaying. Oh and I can’t forget Shin Sung Rok who plays Lee Bom’s father. He was great in expressing the frustration at the inescapable feeling that Lee Bom is his daughter, but not knowing for sure. Thank You was the first time I saw Shin Sung Rok in anything, and his performance left me with a soft spot for the actor, although he didn’t have as many scenes as I’d have liked. There were definitely flaws with Thank You, but the underlying lessons of love, appreciation and gratitude that are under the surfaces of each spoken word undermine the problems of it, leaving the viewer (at least for me) with a newfound love of family and friends. Seo Shin Ae and Shin Goo both had scenes along with Gong Hyo Jin where I cried buckets, but as the drama came to a close, I strangely didn’t feel sad. I really appreciated Thank You for subtlely reminding us that it’s the little things in life that count most, and to never take what you have for granted.

10. My Girl

Last but not least, My Girl rounds out my Top Ten Favorites list of what I’ve seen so far. It was hard choosing my final drama because it was a three-way tie between My Girl, My Name is Kim Sam Soon, and What’s Up Fox? I ultimately chose My Girl because I have a special place in my heart for it since it was one of the first k-dramas I watched and thoroughly enjoyed, and I liked My Girl as a whole more than either of the other two dramas. My standards for what I like in a drama are simple. I dislike heavy melodramas where the plot is all gloom-and-doom because life is hard enough as it is without having to watch more difficult things happening in shows that I watch to get my mind off of the problems in my life. So despite the fact that I know there are plenty of other dramas that are great despite their loaded plots, I tend to shy away from those because I’m more into feel-good ones. My Girl is without a doubt a feel-good one. Sure, the plot takes a overly dramatic turn in the last few episodes that I could’ve done without, but my love for Lee Dong Wook and Lee Da Hae helped me plow through all that until I got the happy ending I always crave when watching dramas. Because of their wonderful chemistry, I’m still holding out hope that Lee Dong Wook and Lee Da Hae will marry and make my My Girl dream come true, but we’ll see what happens. I really disliked Park Shi Yeon‘s role in My Girl because I saw her as nothing but a plot device, but Lee Jun Ki‘s character was appealing to me (despite the horrid hair). Overall, My Girl rounds out my top ten list for now, until I get the chance to watch more dramas and make a whole new list. Thanks for tuning in, y’all! Hope you have a great day. 🙂

Episode 41

Why are you doing this?//Leave this instant!//You… I’m going to call the police! (?)
Alright, that’s enough.//Well done.
What in the world is this?//Why are you treating me this way?
I warned you to stay away from my son.//Try meeting my son one more time. This is nothing compared to what will happen then.
I didn’t meet him. I told you we broke up!
Who do you think you’re lying to?//You even came all the way to the office to rob money from us!
Who are you to lay a hand on my daughter’s face?
Oh my… what is this?
You! Where do you think you’re running off to?
Mom! Pretend that you don’t know.
Tell me the truth. The asshole who played around with you and dumped you after, was it her son?
Today this bitch (?) is…
How, how, how could that woman be in that house? Were those two related? Oh my… oh my head.
You bitch! (?) Stop right there!
You’re running away after you put my daughter in this state?
This woman… you must be crazy!//Where do you think you’re touching?//(???)//You and your daughter are the same trying to blackmail us for money just to keep your mouths shut. You should be ashamed. If you live that way, you’ll be punished a thousand times.
What?//(???)//Punished a thousand times?//You must know what a thousand punishments are like then!//That’s right, why don’t you tell me how a thousand punishments feel?//After getting a surrogate because your daughter-in-law couldn’t conceive, and then having her marry into the family, how do you feel? (?)
What?//This woman.. What are you saying?//Who married a surrogate into their family?
You’re asking who? I’m talking about you!//Go and think carefully about what I said, you arrogant bitch. (?)//(?) Wow, your household is in great shape!
What is that woman talking about?//That woman must be crazy!//She’s crazy.//What?//A surrogate as a daughter-in-law?
I feel great!//But.. What have I done?//Oh my.. What’s Eun Nim going to do now?//Oh.. I don’t know anymore.//Is that really the problem right now?
After getting a surrogate because your daughter-in-law couldn’t conceive, and then having her marry into the family, how do you feel? (?)
Granddaughter-in-law, did you and Yoo Bin eat something bad yesterday? Why are both your faces like that?
Is it because Daughter-in-law is (?)? She and Yoo Bin (?) but they really look similar, like (?).
It can’t be. It’s not. It can’t.//That young lady from before..//Now that I look back on it, they do look alike.//Oh, it’s not, it can’t. There’s no way! There’s no way.//Oh, it’s not.
How could she trash our house this much?//Oh dear, there’s nothing we can save.//What is this?//Why are you sobbing like a fool when you didn’t do anything right?//They keep walking all over you because you keep acting like such a fool!//You’re not meeting that asshole again, are you?//You said that you two broke up!
We did break up.
Then why did that bitch (?) come and do all this?//I asked you if you broke up and started meeting again!
It’s not like that. We did break up.
(?) You two broke up, so why did she come and make things so much worse?//That asshole.. He’s the eldest son of the Baek family, right?
Mom, what are you going to do now that you know that?
Do you really want me to sit still and do nothing after all this?
Mom, let’s just run away somewhere far. Please, let’s just do that.
Even if we were to run away, I can’t just leave after being treated this way.//I’m going to take pictures of everything and show them to that asshole.
Mom!//Mom, why are you doing this? Don’t do this!
Let go! I won’t go.
What are you going to do after you take these pictures?
Uhnee, why does your voice sound like that?//Uhnee! It’s me, So Weol.
So Weol?//Don’t call me from now on.
Oh my… why is Uhnee being like this?//Is she mad at me about something?
Hey, why are you talking to yourself like that?
Oh, it’s Geum Ja Uhnee. After she left so abruptly, I was worried and so I called her, but she hung up on me after telling me not to call again.
I told you already not to associate with her. Whenever I see Geum Ja, she’d always call me Uhnee and say this and that..//But think about how much she’s inconvenienced our family! She knew for a fact that our Chul was getting married but she didn’t even come to the wedding.
I’m sure she has an explanation for that. Geum Ja Uhnee isn’t such a bad person.
Alright then, believe whatever you want.
But Uhnee, how much did your pay (?) come out to?
I don’t know, don’t ask.//Yes, Director.
Why is your voice like that again today?//The first episode’s ratings were a success. (?)
You don’t have to lie like that. I know the first episode’s ratings were only 15%.
You’re very greedy, you know that? Did you really think we were going to reach 20% by the end of the first broadcast? The last episode of the program that airs before our drama drew in 16%. If our first broadcast drew 12%, that’s a success.
Yes, really. So keep your strength up, and once the shoot is over, I’ll stop by.
No, it’s okay. You’re probably busy so you don’t need to stop by. Just have a good shoot, alright?//Oh, what? Are you going somewhere?
Yes, I have something I need to do.
Okay. You must be tired of being home all the time so go out and meet some friends, go shopping, and try finding a new boyfriend.
Oh, Uhnee!
What? There’s nothing wrong with that. Seon Young, you’re still young so go out and have a lot of fun, okay?
I’ll be back.
So you’re not the birth mother(?)?
So there must be another birth mother(?) then.
Yes. But ever since my child was (?), I raised him myself.//There was never a time when I didn’t see him as my son.
In these types of situations, blood-related families take precedence.
Is there really no way?
These types of situations are difficult. You must give up on (?) and (?).
But before you said that I was (?). That’s what you said.
You didn’t tell me this before.
Yoo Bin, Yoo Bin, Yoo Bin…
Was I the one who cheated? But why is it not possible for me? I’m the person who raised Yoo Bin until now. Why?
Sister-in-law, it’s probably not going to be that way.
I thought that too. But, they said it’s not possible because I’m not Yoo Bin’s birth mother(?).
To tell you the truth, I didn’t give birth to Yoo Bin. But Sister-in-law, there was never a time when I didn’t think of Yoo Bin as my child. Yoo Bin is my son. But if I divorce, I don’t have a chance.. Even though I cared for him until now, am I still not a mother? What kind of law is like this?
What should I do, Sister-in-law?//What should I do?
Sister-in-law, please drink this.
Sister-in-law, you’re the only person who knows that I’m not Yoo Bin’s birth mother(?). My mother doesn’t even know. So take this to your grave, okay? Yoo Bin can’t know about this.
I didn’t want to do this but I wound up telling you anyway.//Sister-in-law, you’re the only person I can trust right now. If I didn’t have you, I wouldn’t have had a clue about what to do.
Sister-in-law, what am I supposed to do? What about me?
Oh my, it’s time for Yoo Bin to come out. Sister-in-law, you should take Yoo Bin and go. Hurry and go. I want to see Yoo Bin but I don’t want him to see me like this.//I’ll call you another time.
Oh hello! You’re here.
That’s right Yoo Bin.//What should we…//do now?
What’s wrong?
Please get me a glass of water.
What’s wrong, daughter?
Hello, we’re home!
I’m home!
It’s not true. It’s not. Oh.
Oh Mother-in-law!
Hey! Daughter-in-law! Hey! Oh no, why is she like this? Hey! Daughter-in-law!//Hey! Daughter-in-law! Why are you like this? Oh no, why is she like this? Come to your senses!
Mother-in-law! Mother-in-law, at least drink some water.
Take it away.
Why are you being like this? Have you gone crazy? I think we’re going to have to call Doctor Kim.
No, I’m alright.
If you’re okay, then why are you being like this? Why did you throw the glass of water?
I said I’m okay! I’m fine!//Please leave.//Ah, I want to be alone!
I think the Madam has become a little strange. There are times when she’s really weird. Even until yesterday she was fine,//but why is she being like this all of a sudden?//She even disappeared at the wedding..
Give me some crackers!
Wait one second.//Yoo Bin, take these cookies upstairs and have some, okay?
Oh my.. They look alike.//How could I not have known when we’re all in the same house?//When they look so much alike?//What do I do now?//What should I do?//What that woman said must be true!
After getting a surrogate because your daughter-in-law couldn’t conceive, and then having her marry into the family, how do you feel? (?) Your household is in great shape!
Do you know how much this is? It’s something that you can’t even pay money for!
What’s going on..//Oh my. Daughter-in-law, did you slap Granddaughter-in-law?
She, she..
You! You’ve gone crazy, haven’t you?//Are you really being like this because of that lousy coffee cup?
Mother, do you know how much I treasure this coffee cup? You can’t even buy this abroad.//It’s not true. It’s definitely not true. That woman.. Just because I messed with her daughter, she got angry and lied. That must be it. Something like this can’t happen.//I would like a paternity blood test.//What is it that I need?
Please understand. You need to.//From what I can see, I think your mother-in-law is really sick.//Do you really think she would’ve done something like that if she were in her right mind?//Even if you’re completely sane, there are times when she lashes out. Don’t you remember on your wedding day? She disappeared without a word and when she reappeared, she had no recollection of that.//Oh my Lord, of course you don’t know.//Even before you two married, I went to the hospital with her, but she left me there and disappeared again.//So don’t take this to heart, alright?//Oh dear, oh my. Don’t cry, don’t cry.//I know how much stress you’re under.
I’m sorry Grandmother-in-law. I know I’m lacking in many ways..
No, that’s not true! You’re not.//But please, don’t tell Kang Ho about what happened, alright?
Yes Grandmother-in-law.
Oh, my wife is in here?//Why? Is something going on?
What do you mean? It’s nothing.
Grandmother, did you scold my wife?
Yes. I scolded her.
How could there not be any hairs? Why does she clean up so well?
Oh Mom, what are you doing here?
Oh, I’m looking for a nail clipper.
Did you come all the way up here because you were looking for a nail clipper? There should be one in Grandmother’s room.
Ah, here. Here it is.
There’s something really strange going on in this house.//I’m going to ask you one more time. Something happened today, right?
No, nothing. Hurry and wash up so we can have dinner.
Ah that punk is sleeping in here again! Again!
The more I think about it, the angrier I get.//I now know who that asshole is, so the only way I’ll feel better is to see how great he is.
Lady, lady. Where do you think you’re going? This is a restricted area and not just anyone can go through here.
I’m not someone who’s restricted, and I’m here to meet the president of this company, Baek Sae Hun.
Did you make an appointment?
Why don’t you call Baek Sae Hun and tell him that Hong Yeon Hee’s mother is here, then.
Yes?//What?//Who’s here?//Put her on.//Yes, this is Baek Sae Hun.//I’ll meet you in the company’s coffee shop.
That must be him. That’s the asshole.
Are you, Hong Yeon Hee’s…
You asshole!//You lousy jerk!//You deserve to be killed!//What are you going to do about my daughter? My daughter, huh?!
Why are you doing this? Why don’t you let go of me and speak.
Why are you doing this?!//Are you going to be as calm after seeing this?
What is this to make you act this way?
Your mother, that almighty woman, look at what she did to my Yeon Hee!//What did my Yeon Hee do to deserve this?//Why does my Yeon Hee have to go through all this? Only her?!//My Yeon Hee’s so pitiful, I can’t stand it.//What is my Yeon Hee going to do now?
Here, our (?).
Here, for my Chul too! (?)
(?), some bean sprouts?
Oh, that’s enough. This woman, oh.
Our (?) is making all this money to bring home, and his wife can’t even do this much?//Above all else, if the man brings home money, that’s when we can live comfortably.//Darling, here’s some (?).
That’s enough, can you stop it now?
What about you? What are you going to do from now on?
Oh dear.
When are you going to get your act together and stop wasting time like this?
What do you mean wasting time?
It’s only a matter of time until your baby is born.//All I’m saying is, you need to do something to earn enough money to put food on the table and making a living.
You don’t need to worry, I’m in the middle of planning something out.
What is that, Chul?
That’s right, what is it? Please tell us.
What kind of company is it?
I don’t care about another person’s company, but I’m thinking of opening my own business.
Business? What kind of business?
A chicken restaurant.
A chicken restaurant?!
No way. It can’t be that!
What? Why? What do you mean no way?
I want to tie your ties before you leave for work and iron your shirts for you, and other things like that!
Don’t worry about that.//When I leave for the restaurant, I’ll always wear a tie.
Do you really think that’s what I mean?!
Why do you have so much to say when our son-in-law says that he’s in the middle of planning it?
Then do you mean to tell me to stink of oil as I fry chicken legs?!
I’ll be the one to fry the chicken legs, so don’t worry about that either!//Nan Jung, you have to help me in order for me to build up the strength to work on this. Huh?//In order to not make you and our baby live difficult lives, I thought long and hard about it and came to this decision.
It’s not even the smell of flowers, or of perfume, but now every day I have to prepare chicken and stink of it?
All you have to do is have the baby and raise it well because I’ll do the rest.
How do you think I’m going to let you live such a hard life by yourself?//I can’t do that.//Go away.
Here we go. Nan Jung, look at this! Nan Jung, look here! I’m dancing now!//Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry!//???//Is the baby listening to this too?//Let’s do this together, Nan Jung!

—- End of the first half, second half begins at 30:30.A